Behavior probs? Not on my watch.

Erase the Chaos
with Classroom Management Resources Proven to Work


How to Prepare and Plan for Back to School Night or Meet The Teacher by The Pinspired Teacher
If you follow me on Instagram (@ThePinspiredTeacher) you’ll know that I got the shock of my life back in April and was asked to teach 2nd grade in a new district! While this was the best news EVER, my blogging life came to a screeching halt. I immediately began to prepare for the rounds of interviews, update my resume and portfolio, and then once hired I went into preparing for 2nd grade (coming from 4th). My life changed so fast I feel like I have whiplash! I am really looking forward to teaching second graders. My goal is to share as much as I can, even though I anticipate being super busy this year. If you start itching to be a little more pinspired, make sure you follow me on Instagram, I’m always on my phone therefore that the easiest way to follow the latest pinspired happenings in my classroom!
Ok, enough ranting about life, let’s get to the good stuff: preparing for meet the teacher night. This can be a nerve racking time for any teacher no matter how many years of experience you have under your belt. I don’t know about you, but my old school wouldn’t let us in until one week before we were required to be back in our classrooms. This always left me setting up my classroom until the very last minute. Lit-er-allly.  My old school had meet the teacher night the night before the first day of school. I’d work and sweat in my classroom in a mad rush all day, then change into my “nice clothes” about an hour before the kids and parents came. Talk about stress!  When it came to preparing the logistics of how I wanted the open house to flow, I never felt 100% confident.  All I can say is that I would make a mad scramble to Teachers pay Teachers and try to copy off sign in sheets, editable PowerPoints, etc. (only for the copier to be down because everyone and their momma is trying to make copies for the first day of school).
Not this year. I’m going in strong and prepared. I’ve been trying to plan ahead for as much as possible so that my transition into a new district and new grade is as smooth as honey.
I was in Hobby Lobby one day and got pinspired by cupcakes they had on display for Christmas. I whipped this classroom wish list up so that it could be one less thing I need to prepare later on. I may add a basket full of the actual items I will need (as seen on Pinterest!). I printed out the sign and put it into an empty frame I had. Then I printed the cupcakes, laminated them, and used binder clips to hold them up. I even experimented with washi tape for a more decorative look on the clips. Can you spot the cupcake with washi tape? 🙂
The cupcake stand came from Hobby Lobby and I love it because it is in my classroom color scheme!
If you would like this sign and the editable cupcakes to create your own wish list display, click here, or on the picture!
Teachers pay Teachers is throwing their annual back to school sale so it is 28% off!
Also, I created a classroom handbook in the format of an ABC book. These will inform my students’ parents of pretty much anything they may want to know as we begin a new school year together. The handbooks are in little 4×6 photo albums that I found at Dollar General for $1. I will place these on my students desk for meet the teacher night. I know this will make a good impression on the students and families! Also, since my classroom handbook is actually a “book,” rather than a flip book or brochure, I know it won’t get lost in the shuffle of back to school forms.


If you want to know more about my classroom handbook click on the picture below!

And as I sign off, I’d like to know- how do you prepare for meet the teacher night?

Happy Pinning!

Comments +

  1. Chelsea says:

    Love your cupcake wishlist! I am a first year and second grade teacher and can't wait to be with kiddos this fall! I look forward to following your journey in second grade. 🙂


Chatty class? Interruptions?
Not on my watch.