Classroom Management

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We started our first staff meeting of the year with dancing, skipping, and playing hot potato with balloons. Why? Because our principal paired with our local university who explained the benefits of students taking physical activity breaks. Even though you are taking time away from teaching, you are actually increasing the students’ focus, boosting moral […]

We started our first staff meeting of the year with dancing, skipping, and playing hot potato with balloons. Why? Because our principal paired with our local university who explained the benefits of students taking physical activity breaks. Even though you are taking time away from teaching, you are actually increasing the students’ focus, boosting moral […]

We started our first staff meeting of the year with dancing, skipping, and playing hot potato with balloons. Why? Because our principal paired with our local university who explained the benefits of students taking physical activity breaks. Even though you are taking time away from teaching, you are actually increasing the students’ focus, boosting moral […]


Chatty class? Interruptions?
Not on my watch.