Behavior probs? Not on my watch.

Erase the Chaos
with Classroom Management Resources Proven to Work


This is part two of my textual evidence blog post series, click here to read part one.
You can also watch the video if you are looking for a quick summary of how I teach textual evidence with “A Poof of Proof” motivational tools:

We continued learning the “FAIRY” method {created by the “proof fairy,” of course ;)}. Friday and today we learned the “I” in the FAIRY method: Insert Evidence (with proof phrases!).

The first part of friday we constructed and glued in the bones of the craftivity.


Don’t you just love the “evidence case” this fourth grader included? How cute!


Notice the “I” in FAIRY is made to stand out above the pop-up to remind students to refer to this pop-up when they are inserting evidence.


Today (Monday) we went over the various evidence-based terms (aka “Proof Phrases) that they could use very briefly. Our objective today was to finish the craftivity. We will spend the rest of the year referring back to this interactive pop-up.

Here’s how some of my fourth graders’ Proof Phrases pop-ups turned out:



I also started pre-teaching some of my struggling students how to insert evidence using the whole FAIRY method today, so they’d have extra practice when we begin to model it tomorrow.
Now that the students know the basics of the FAIRY method, we are ready to polish our skills!
Check back to see how I will implement the rest of “A Poof of Proof!”
You can also go straight to my store to purchase “A Poof of Proof” for grades 1-5.
or CLICK HERE to purchase this pop-up separately!


Happy Pinning! (And citing!)

Comments +

  1. Allison says:

    This is such a creative way to teach this skill. That is something we have to spend a great deal of time on using! I love this practical way!

  2. Victoria Bodack says:

    Thank you so much for publishing your ideas. After 20 years of teaching at the same high school, I have not successfully found a way to improve blurting out behavior. It is the only student behavior that really bugs me. Your ideas have certainly “Pinspired” me. I admire your ingenuity!! Without a doubt….You deserve a raise!!


Chatty class? Interruptions?
Not on my watch.