Behavior probs? Not on my watch.

Erase the Chaos
with Classroom Management Resources Proven to Work


In May I hosted the Photo-A-day Teacher Challenge (AKA the #PADTeacherChallenge) For summer I wanted to do something to keep us teachers connected in a casual way. Enter: the Photo-a-Week Summer Challenge! This will be a way for us to keep in touch and network with other teachers without the pressure of posting e v e r y d a y. Check it out:

For the first week of June, which may indeed be the first week of summer vacation for many of you, let’s get outside and enjoy the weather! Snap photos during a walk, at the beach, your view from your porch, the beautiful clouds, whatever! Post as many you’d like during that first week, if you just get one in, oh well! It’s summer! The second week of June, post pictures of food-food from Pinterest you’re mouth is watering over, or food you are chowing down on! The third week is pretty open to anything you consider fun. We’re going to end June by snapping photos of places we visit, anything from Target to Paris! My main rule is to have fun! Networking tip: Click on the hashtag to find other teachers who are posting pictures using the same hashtag and follow them!

A now a little more about me with this month’s Currently, hosted by Farley over at the Oh’ Boy Fourth Grade blog.

Happy June!

Comments +

  1. The Lorax is such a cute movie! Wishing you a wonderful summer! Found you on Farley's!

  2. Great weather is important during a vacation.

    ~Diving Into Learning

  3. Found you on Farley's linky!

    Teaching Fourth

  4. Karen says:

    Great weather and a great vacation sound like the makes for a perfect summer! Enjoy!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  5. Can't wait to join your Photo a Week in June. It sounds like so much fun! Now, I just need to have my camera with me at all times.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  6. D. Frideley says:

    Hi! I see you in the TpT forums, but I didn't know you had a blog:) Cute!!!

    I haven't ventured into instagram…just yet. I have one more week of school and I'll try it out next week! I know Tuesday is a big day for teachers.

    This Little Piggy Reads

  7. Angela R. says:

    Hey! You are absolutely right about having a great destination and weather! If you don't mind me asking, what is the 24 day challenge??? Also, I can't wait to join your Photo a Week!

    Your newest follower,


    The Bilingual Teacher

  8. I'm excited to have found another 4th grade blogger! I'm your newest follower 🙂

  9. Laura says:

    I just love your TPT products! Laura

  10. I'm kicking myself for somehow not adding you to my blogger reading list earlier! How did that happen? I read all of your sound advice on tpt forums months ago and thought this chick knows what's up, follow her…but I forgot to! Anyway, I'm here now and am grateful you reminded me of you and all your awesomeness by adding me on Instagram 🙂 Now I'm off to stalk your blog for an hour. Come poke around mine for a minute when you have one!

    Teaching in the Tongass

  11. Carla says:

    I found your blog via TBTS, and I love the look! Hope you're enjoying the summer. Love the things you've shared.
    Comprehension Connection


Chatty class? Interruptions?
Not on my watch.