Hey teachers, stressed with all your end of year madness? Piled stacks of papers that are screaming for your attention, or at least a sticker? Relaaaax take a second and say this with me, “Woosah.” Ok, now that I have you a little more relaxed, now for the good stuff-or should I say yummy stuff because there is nothing yummier than FREE Chipotle.
But wait! Before you high-tail out of here and over to Chipotle, I have even more great news to share!
I’m throwing a sale!
Yep, you read it right-absolutely everything in my store is 20% + an additional 10% from the site-wide sale going on at Teachers Pay Teachers. The items in my store that are currently flying off the “shelves” have to be all of my end of year products. I noticed that many of my customers were buying multiple end of year products all in one shopping trip. Just in time for Teacher Appreciation Week I decided to offer a great discount on all my end of year products by bundling them together! I call it, “End of Year Extravaganza!”
Shop for these products individually by clicking the End of Year icon below:
More of my products can be viewed under the “Shop” tab at the top of this page!
I’m not the only one throwing a 20% off sale in addition the TPT site-wide sale. Check out the fabulous products my fellow blogging buddies are offering:
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