I just had to title my post with a cheesy idiom since I am sharing a sneak peak into our class Idiom ABC Book. Pictured here:
Moving on…
I first discovered “teacher blogs” two summers ago and I remember reading bloggers’ currently posts and really enjoyed them. Now that I have my own blog, I’m taking the plunge and linking up with a fellow 4th grade teacher, Farley at Oh’ Boy 4th Grade. Shout out to Mrs. Sanderson over at Flying High in First Grade for encouraging me to link up!
Thinking- This time next month…WILL BE THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL! Oh-em-geeeee! I’m excited to end my year with a bang. I’ve had my students since last year and I looped to fourth grade with them. That is why I am going all out with my End of Year Extravaganza. We will begin the extravaganza this Wednesday with our End of Year Countdown Activities. I want my students to have very special memories of fourth grade, so the activities I planned will do just that.
Wanting- Time. I crave time. Time to plan, time to laminate, time to organize, time to de-clutter for summer, time to create TPT products, time to pin, but mainly time to do all this and still relax. I’m soo overdue for a spa day…who’s with me?
Needing- Spring clothes. I’m talking bright, cheery colorful clothing. My closet has too much black, however I do own a ton of colorful scarves.
Summer bucket list- I love having summers off to travel, but no one else has summers off around me. I would love to be able to treat my mom to a mommy-daughter trip somewhere this summer. TPT- I absolutely love everything about Teachers Pay Teachers. The other sellers are so friendly and helpful. My biggest hobby is creating and designing teacher resources. It is fun and addicting for me! Time- well, from my little rant above you could probably determine I’m a busy gal. Time has landed an additional spot on my currently because my bucket list is to spend more time with loved ones. I get so busy during the school year that my social life falls through the cracks. I go under my teacher rock and do not crawl out until the last bus pulls out of the parking lot on the last day of school. I think it’s because I still consider myself a newer teacher and I haven’t found the perfect balance yet between school, family, friends, fitness, etc. By the way- any tips for this balancing act would surely be appreciated!
Well that’s all folks,
Happy Pinning,
Hello Celizamas! I found you through the Currently Linky. I love Scandal too! I also love Greys 🙂 I am right there with you on bright spring clothes. I wear black a lot too. I don't have any advice of how to balance it all. After 15 years of teaching, it's still a struggle for me too.
Mrs. Holder’s First Grade
Um, take your mom on a trip! I love that idea! I know… having summers off is amazing, but not as amazing when everyone around you works! Good luck…and as for balancing advice.. yeah, I am not the one to ask of that 🙂
Crayons and Whimsy
Instagram @crayonsandwhimsy
First thank you for hosting the instagram #padteacherchallenge. I also need spring clothes. After our snowy winter I always seem to forget where I put the spring clothes.
You're welcome, it's been so much fun hasn't it? I didn't realize how many good ideas I'd get out of the #PADTeacherChallenge! I've also discovered a few new blogs too-and that's just in the first 3 days! I am so horrible at shopping for myself-I go into a store to browse for myself and end up buying things for my classroom instead, haha!
I know, but while everyone is at work I do have fun blog stalking, lol!
We'll get there…eventually! One pop of color at a time hehe 🙂
Writing is an art form that reaches a multitude of people from all walks of life, different cultures, and age group. As a writer, it is not about what you want. esl idioms