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We do! Our’s is “What I Am” by (Sesame Street). It’s a great song to play in the morning as students are coming in/end of day when students are waiting to leave. My kids like to act it out as they’re singing. For example, when they hear the word stronger, they flex their muscles. Sometimes I Youtube the lyrics version and we practice our fluency by reading the lyrics.

I found this treasure on Pinterest, of course, and had to share it with my students. We voted on it to be our class theme song. It’s catchy, positive, and even though it’s Sesame Street, my 4th graders love it. I guess helps give it “cool” status.

Do you have a class theme song?

Comments +

  1. No class theme song, but we love taking a brain break! I'll have to check that one out!


    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  2. What are the chances that I use the exact song in my classroom each morning, too! We walk in the room, do the Pledge, our class pledge, and then we turn the video on and sing the song. My students do the moves, too! This is my first time checking out your blog, and I can tell… I already LOVE it!!!

  3. Megan-It's perfect for a quick brain break- it's just under 2 minutes!

    Anika-That's awesome that your class does it too! It's so uplifting. Doing it first thing helps set the tone for the rest of the day. Thank you for the blog compliment, it means a lot to me!

  4. Shawna says:

    Super cute song, I love it! I am a fellow TBTSer and I just wanted to come say hi and check out your blog. Keep up the great work!!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  5. Donna Murray says:

    Our theme song last year was “Nothing More” by Alternate Routes. Like you, I played it every morning as the kids were settling into circle, with the lyrics up on the smartboard. The kids got into the habit of singing along and we discussed the meaning together. I really like your “What I am” song and I’m going to try it this year. I think the kids will love it! Thanks for sharing!


Chatty class? Interruptions?
Not on my watch.