Hopefully, you snagged my free end of the year planning checklist and was able to plan your last month of school and reduce the overwhelm. (If not, download the freebie it for next year).
Now…for the last day of school. Here is a look at the activities I usually do on the very last day of school:
The first 5 minutes on the last day of school is cruuuuucial. To me, it’s similar to the 1st day of school because each minute counts. So much to do. So little time.
First, make sure the schedule for the day is posted somewhere. We all know students thrive off of routine, and the last day of school is anything but routine. Make sure students have a task to work on as soon as they come in. Otherwise, they will most likely come wanting to dance and sing instead of heading straight to their seat and getting to work. The goal for today is organized chaos. Maintaining control of your classroom is key for the fun that is to come.
So to repeat: The first five minutes should include an immediate task and a schedule for the day’s activities posted.
I pass out end of the year memory books at couple days before the last day and use them as spontaneous time fillers. The last days of school can be hectic. I love giving my students something that can be a time filler for me as the teacher as I get my end of year preparation done, but not a waste of time for my students. This end of year memory book does just that.
At some point, weather pending, we read or write outside. If you have sidewalk chalk students can write their summer bucket list on the ground. I love giving out bubbles for the end of the year as a student gift and the kids LOVE being able to take it outside and chase their bubbles.
If you can, invite your class to have lunch in the classroom instead of the cafeteria. It’s one of the last times you will be with your class!
A word of caution- I do not recommend inviting your class to lunch if it is the only downtime for you. If you have an additional prep time, then definitely go for it! These are the memories our students don’t forget!
I love doing this right after my students’ last break. So while they are at their specials class (i.e. art), I get my candy bar awards ready. I usually do this at the end of the day as a way to culminate the last day of school. My very first year doing them I looped, so I had the same students again the following year and I’ll never forget they started asking if we were doing the candy bar awards again. It’s crazy how excited they get seeing that their teacher went shopping and picked out something that was uniquely their own.
It doubles as personalized gifts as well as an award certificate when you attach the real candy to the award. My students are always curious to predict who will receive what. You could also have the students nominate each other.
Click Here to View this on TPT
-use the planning sheet to match students’ personalities to the corresponding candy
-scratch off the candy as you go so that you know what’s left on the “scratch off” list
-Print in color on cardstock
-to make the award “pop” and add sturdiness, place it on 12 x 12 black scrapbook paper
-attach the actual candy bar at the bottom of the award (tape or Velcro)
-watch your kids eyes widen with glee as you hand out an edible award they’ll never forget!
-use the planning sheet to match students’ personalities to the corresponding candy
-scratch off the candy as you go so that you know what’s left on the “scratch off” list
-Print in color on cardstock
-to make the award “pop” and add sturdiness, place it on 12 x 12 black scrapbook paper
-attach the actual candy bar at the bottom of the award (tape or Velcro)
-watch your kids eyes widen with glee as you hand out an edible award they’ll never forget!
We are required to have all desks and chairs pushed to one corner of the room and everything off of the floor. My first year I did this after the students left and let’s just say…. never again! Now the students help get the room summer ready. If you’d like to download this checklist of student jobs for the end of the year click this photo:
(It’ll also give your a lot more end of the year planning checklists!)
Be prepared in advance for tons of dismissal changes. The last day of school at dismissal can be hectic if you don’t have up to date information on how your students are getting home. Make sure you check your email and remind students to give you any notes for dismissal in advance.
Once that’s settled, I always end with a closing circle. Right before busses are called we all sit in a circle and share our favorite memories using sentence starters such as, “One thing I’ll always remember about 4th grade is…” and if there’s time we compliment each other like, “One reason I enjoyed being in class with _____ this year is…..”
It’s a calm way and heartfelt way to end the day. Sometimes we keep playing as students leave until we’re down to the last 5 students.
I hope you have a great end of the year!
Click here to shop all of my end of the year activities: