That’s right, I’ve been sucked in to the Pinterest hype. Here’s a lil glimpse of my daily obsession:
It all started when I was just starting to dabble into the Daily 5 and needed word work ideas. After a quick Google search I was led to Pinterest. Once I was I on the homepage I started seeing cute nail polish hues that I just had to try, and after that I saw about a 100 ways to clean my house using vinegar, and then I about died when I discovered anchor charts for language arts.
At that time I was teaching 72 3rd graders (3 classes) language arts and it was my first year teaching. I LOVED teaching and felt so blessed to have a job, but the main thing I suffered from was lack of collaboration since the other teachers on my team taught other subjects. Pinterest was my “team” of mentors who nurtured me into the world of teaching with tons, and tons, and tons of ideas/resources.
Pinterest got me through my first year of teaching. #truth
I’ve been so inspired from Pinterest (as well as all the talented teacher bloggers out here in Bloggy World), that I will be deeming the name “The PINspired Teacher.” My goal will be to share things that I, as a still-fairly-new teacher, am inspired by so that other teachers can feel as confident as I have grown to be. I will also share my creations that I’ve been “Pinspired” by from my TPT store. Now that I have a blog I am highly motivated to create more useful freebies for my followers.
I am by no means an expert at blogging-in fact I should rename blogging to rambling which is what I will probably end up doing more often then not, but if just 1 person leaves my blog inspired to try something new in his/her classroom then I will have accomplished my goal.
You can sign up for Pinterest by visiting
(Note: I am not being paid to promote Pinterest)
If you’re interest in following me on Pinterest here is my link:
Once I learn blogging better a put a cool Pinterest thingy on the side to click to follow, but until then you have to do it the “old fashioned” way.
As I end my FIRST BLOG POST EVER…I leave you with a question and one of my favorite pins:
How has Pinterest helped you in the classroom?
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